Thursday, January 22, 2009

Taxpayer Bailout

Our country is going through an unprecedented financial crisis. The government is infusing trillions into the economy in the hopes of preventing a depression. Companies are laying off thousands of employees. The unemployment rate is predicted to reach double digits.
The Oley School District revealed at the budget meeting, that it is experiencing flat or decreasing revenue. Interim, transfer, and earned income taxes are flat or decreasing.
However, the administration is unfazed. They want to increase real estate taxes for the twelfth consecutive year. Not only that, but they plan to petition the state to allow them to increase taxes above the inflation index of 4.47%. They will not say how much over the state allowed budget increase.
The district would not be in this fiscal problem had they spent money wisely. $2,000,000 for a sports complex, $400,000 on legal fees, and recently $11,000 on a junket are just a few examples of fiscal mismanagement that haunts us today. The board and the administration often complain that state mandates cause tax increases. Yet, none of the figures presented are mandated.
The remedy for this debacle discussed at the meeting is local taxpayer bailout, but also, ominous cuts in educational programs. Class size is being reviewed by the administration!
For some reason, the budget committee is not considering freezing non-educational, non-contractual, non-mandated expenses first before they eliminate teachers or crush homeowners.
Concerned citizens should contact their school board member or attend board meetings and offer suggestions on how to manage a budget.


Anonymous said...

If a family's income is down they cut back on spending in order to balance their budget. They do not go and steal money from their neighbor. One problem the school board has is that every want is a need and every need is a necessity. With all that bad news I'll bet you will be able to count on one hand the number of people who show up at a meeting to question this board's intentions.

Anonymous said...

The article in the newspaper this morning is not an accurate reflection of what transpired at the Budget and Finance meeting, nor the board meeting the other night. Perhaps the person they sent to cover our meeting was deaf, and if not deaf, then she was told to tone it down. There were many more issues raised than just field trips and real estate taxes not being there. If the Eagle is going to continue to send reporters, then they should report what is actually happening at these meetings.

One BIG BIG point that was not raised in the paper, neither this month nor last month, is the $2.1+ million dollars that the school district owes Amthor Steel. This case has been going on for over 5 years, and Oley keeps being thrown out of court and going back for more. This is an abuse of the taxpayer, as WE have to fork up the money for this PRICEY legal bill, which for this legal issue alone tops $400,000. In the last 2-3 years, Oley has spent 2.5+ million on a track and field, approximately $1 million on gym renovations, another $800,000+ on the AG project, and the elementary school roof needs to be replaced. They also just hired another Athletic Director, who comes on in a supervisory position with all the perks. The Budget and Finance committe whined the 1-1/2 hours prior to the board meeting about having to cut staff (staff that worked with the children) and proceeded to hire a new AD the week before. Could we not have hired someone to fill in part-time until it is known what are financial situatoin is? The school board is not fiscally responsible, and it's time for Oley residents to get on the bandwagon and DEMAND spending to be decreased.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I don't think the residents of the Oley Valley even care anymore what the school board does to them. When the school district is the largest employer in the school district it results in too many residents and taxpayers having friends, relatives and family members either working for the district or serving on the school board, or both. As a result the board and administration are pretty much given a free ticket to do anything they want under the false illusion that "they are doing the best they can" or they blame everything on the economy or the state.

Anonymous said...

The board members forget who put them in office, and what is expected of them.
Now is the time to remember the statement "We are running a 25 million dollar business".
Yes, you are, and heading for bankruptcy at a record pace. Of course, this is not a business, and when you run short of resources (money), just tap the taxpayers for more, just the way the banks are operating right now. Wow, the board has been ahead of the curve on this one.
I cannot see the justification for a tax increase during these dire economic times. The board sees it differently.
Unless things have changed, I do not see that attending the meetings and questioning the moves makes any difference.
The important statement at this time is "Don't confuse me with facts, my head is already made up".
That's the motto that should be on the blackboard behind the board president.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dr. Cappa, like how you write on the reading eagle blog. Hurricane season is almost here.

Anonymous said...

Great letter to editor, Al. Someone has to tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

For all those in blog land who think Al is full of hot air, check out the blogs at the Eagle.

The public is sick of the SCHOOL BOARDS who think they are above the LAW, and we are tired of the teachers, the administration, and the employees of the school districts living off of the hard earned money of those who do not have GOVERNMENT jobs!

Ralph, where are you going to get the money to pay for the GYM, the AG PROJECT, the NEW ROOF FOR THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, the NEW MODEL SCHOOLS PROJECT (the $12,000 that you spend last weekend in Washington), the AMTHOR STEEL MONEY?

Why don't you personally float a loan at Wachovia/Wells Fargo to pay for these items - or are you now one of the unemployed?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Jacobs stirred up a hornets nest with his letter to the editor. Two responded in Sunday Reading Eagle. The one that opposed him does not live in Oley, pay taxes in Oley, yet thinks high taxes needs support? Feeding from the trough is a hard habit to break.

Anonymous said...

How about the editorial concerning the consolidation of school districts?
About time someone is thinking about cutting costs.
However, after they (the legislature) study it for 25 years with the help of the special interest groups, it will probably go the way of property tax reform.

Anonymous said...

Local School boards, the Pa. School Board Association, and Superintendents who are receiving huge salaries will do everything in their power to prevent consolidation. It's a great idea and actually works in other states but has no chance of happening in Pa.

Anonymous said...

Consolidation means saving taxpayers money. This is against everything the vested interests stand for...

Anonymous said...

Are there any school board members up for reelection this year or is it next year?

Anonymous said...

Yes - 4 spots up for re-election.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so we have 4 seats up. Let's oganize. It's starts here and NOW!
If you learned anything follow the successful organization of Obamas campaign. Think how organized the teachers union is and will be to insure these seats are filled with the same or similar members. This is where it starts. Hello out there does anyone hear me?? Stop bitchin.....Let's go!

Oley Concerned Citizens said...

The teachers' contract and the superintendent's contract end in 2010. It would be important that the candidates who run are prepared to make hard choices. They also must be ready to clean up the financial mess of previous boards.

Anonymous said...

When is the deadline to have petitions filed? It should be very soon. Probably not enough time to get them circulated.

Anonymous said...

The very few times I have gone to a board meeting the people in charge remind me of bank executives trying not to answer questions after they screwed us.

Anonymous said...

...When is the deadline to have petitions filed? It should be very soon. Probably not enough time to get them circulated...

Plenty of time. You only need ten or so signatures, and they are not due until March 10th.

Go to the county web-site and look up the 'elections department' for the information.

Anonymous said...

What's next? We need 4 good guys. Who will these brave individuals be? Let's get together on this. It starts at the local level.

Anonymous said...

Why not YOU??? :) :) ;)

Anonymous said...

Just think... you will power to change the world - or maybe at least the Oley Valley! ;)

Anonymous said...

Are there four good guys (or gals) left in Oley who would be brave enough to run? They would have to endure the wrath of the union, board, administration and all their apologists. That's not something most would have the stomach for.

Anonymous said...

Only four days left to get those petitions signed and filed. Let's have some excitement in the OV and have a real election!

Anonymous said...

Time has past.

Who is in? How many, names?

Anonymous said...

I think six, and one of them is an ex-teacher.

Just what we need - another board member voting on their retirement!

There goes another million.