Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Property Tax Relief Hoax

Once again, the taxpayers have been promised property tax relief by the politicians. The most recent being Governor Wolf. The thrust of his campaign was that property owners would see substantial cuts in their school taxes. As more is revealed about the governor's plan, it appears to fall way short of his assurances. Most of the money raised by increasing sales taxes and state income taxes will go to districts that provide political benefit rather than an equal distribution of revenue. Put simply, alleged "rich" districts will take a hit while less affluent will reap the benefits. Populist polices designed to justify the raising of taxes seems to be the strategy of the day for liberal politicians. By promulgating class warfare, the left hopes to maintain big government dependence. The prediction is that there will be little or no property tax relief. Instead, just more tax increases at the local and state level and no measurable improvement in education.


Anonymous said...

It's a huge shell game and the Republican legislature is as much at fault as the governor and his Democrat cronies. Cutting property taxes without any guarantees that school boards won't raise them right back up is short sighted and shows the contempt that the politicians have for the tax paying public. The tax shift bill that just passed the state house is an insult. Those who voted for it should be shown the door in the next election.

Oley Concerned Citizens said...

Even as they passed the bill, the politicians said it was a severely flawed.

However, they will claim victory. They will say it was the best they could do. They will even boast they voted on property tax relief in the first place.

If Harrisburg takes off the modest controls on spending, then we are back to square one, blank check budgets.

Anonymous said...

When will people who have sacrificed, worked hard, and achieved some level of success stop being the whipping boy for "progressives"?

Anonymous said...

We need to fight back against these "enemies of society". The problem is that we are all too busy "sacrificing, working hard and achieving some level of success" that we don't have time or energy left to stand up to this minority that has invaded our culture.

Anonymous said...

It is not just the teachers that are the problem. Administrators and school boards do their fair share of running up the taxpayer tab.

Anonymous said...

The ruling on gay marriage will have far reaching effects on education. Parents should have the right to oversee material they feel is objectionable.

Anonymous said...

They have that right but most of them are "too busy" or just don't care enough to take the time.

Anonymous said...

If this is true, parents are in for a nasty surprise.

Anonymous said...

Where the check from the state to pay for the school tax? Politicians promise anything to be elected.

Anonymous said...

Where is your is lost somewhere between fact and fantasy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Governor Wolf playing chicken with our kids.

Anonymous said...

If the schools are going to run out of money if the state does not send funds, then the teachers and staff should chip in and take a pay cut.

home owner said...

Waiting for Governor Wolf to stop stonewalling.

Still no property tax relief and pending state revenue short fall for districts rests in the balance.

Anonymous said...

Are there any "concerned citizens" left in Oley?

homeowner said...

They are being forced out of their homes because of property taxes. The ones that can afford to stay won't be far behind.

Anonymous said...

...only thing left to tax will be the wildlife.

Anonymous said...

Where is the promised property tax relief? This blog's prediction was spot on way back in May 2015, "little or no property tax relief".
Homeowners have no say in Harrisburg, but the special interests do.

Anonymous said...

Governor Wolf's obstructionist tactics puts education at risk.

homeowner said...

No budget, no tax relief from Harrisburg. But they want their taxes paid on time or else !

concerned citizen said...

Obama should stay out of children's bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers. His threats to withhold federal funds if public schools do not surrender to his transgender mandate is alarming.

Students and parents expect privacy and safety in schools.

Reasonable people would accept accommodation for particular needs.

Anonymous said...

District should refuse to obey a policy, not a law, that put children at risk.

Anonymous said...

What is the "Oley Valley School District Safe Haven" sign on the door of the post office? Is that a place to go if someone writes "Trump" in chalk on the school's sidewalk and makes them feel threatened?

Anonymous said...

How can children feel safe if the president demands to allow men in girls school bathrooms?

Anonymous said...

American students test 13th in math and science versus world students, yet trillions is spent on education.

Just controlling spending under ACT is not enough. Teachers, administrators, and school boards should be held accountable.

Instead of getting higher pay and benefits, the educrats should either see a wage freeze or be fired. School board members should be fined or removed from office.

Then and only then will education see measurable improvement.

parent said...

Enough of Washington educrats experimenting with our children.
Trump 2016.

Anonymous said...

Heard there is an auction of contents from the Administration Building. Wonder how much the infamous "SOFA" will go for!

Anonymous said...

Looks like we are stating all over again with the old ways of the school district

Anonymous said...

School board seems to like to violate the Sunshine Act