Thursday, January 20, 2011

Preliminary 2011-2012 Budget - 7.98% Increase !

The Oley Valley School District Proposed Preliminary Budget has a 1.9 Mill real increase for 2011-2012. This would increase current millage from 23.82 to 25.72 mills, a 7.98% increase. A property that is assessed at $100,000 would pay $2,572.00 in school property taxes.
Salaries and benefits are the major factors in the increase. 2010-2011 salaries of $13,605,762 will increase $273,625 to $13,879,387. Benefits of $4,900,211 will increase $431,491 to $5,331,702.
The local revenue of earned income continues the trend of declining wages. It is expected to decline 3% this year.
Federal and state revenues will also be lower.
The inflation index the state allows for millage increase is .40 mills for 2011-2012. However, the district is applying for exemptions totaling 1.50 mills.
$22,382 of that exemption is for the PSERS retirement fund reimbursement.
The issue of a budget being calculated from budget to budget figures rather than actual to budget was raised. There is a concern that using budget to budget numbers does not accurately reflect spending, especially since there have been continued significant budget surpluses over the years. These annual surpluses suggest taxes were raised too much.
A 7.98% property tax increase is excessive. The 2011-2012 budget needs to be brought in line with current economic realities. Major cuts are needed to be make the cost of education reasonable.


Anonymous said...

Not one comment about the fiscal crisis facing this and every school district? You people need to wake up. Drastic cuts are needed and the majority of this board and their administration refuse to make the hard decisions. I predict that at every budget meeting they will sit there and complain that the state isn't funding them enough and every other excuse they can think of. Instead of blaming everyone and everything they need to roll up their sleeves and do what is necessary to balance the budget without huge tax increases. This isn't a game and they need to get serious. I wonder how much is in this budget to pay off Amthor steel and all their legal costs?

Anonymous said...

I did not see a 7% raise in my paycheck. I did not see a raise at all.

Anonymous said...

The people of Oley are like sheep being lead to the slaughter. All these years only a few stood up and opposed spending. How many more will be thrown out of their homes before they wake up?

Anonymous said...

What board members are up for reelection this year? Will they have any opposition? I doubt it. People would rather complain than get involved. They would rather make excuses than make a change.

Anonymous said...

Million dollars for sports. Now, programs must be cut. "Big government" at its best.

Anonymous said...

Cut programs?? Don't hold your breathe.

Anonymous said...

All programs must be put on the table. Or teachers, administrators agree to pay cuts.

Anonymous said...

Unless we pack the board room for the next budget meeting nothing will change. Even then it will probably be a waste of time. When has the school board ever listened to what the public wanted? Maybe we should all go there and toss our wallets on the table in front of Heckman as a symbol of our frustration.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked that a school board would raise taxes so much after having wasted money so badly. They have wasted our children's future.

pat b said...

Don't be so angry or so down on the Board members. Last year they faced the same crisis. You got no tax increase. Thank them for that.
They still maintained Oley as a top-notch district. Thank them for that.I am no part of it but "your" Board wants to live within "your" means. Thank them for that.

Anonymous said...

We can thank them but still hold their feet to the fire and make them accountable.

Anonymous said...

Lets see if the board is serious about spending cuts this year or they are just giving lip service to the idea.

Anonymous said...

Teachers and administrators should be willing to sacrifice. Just as we have over the years.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to track administrative and teacher salaries for the last ~10years vs local jobs/salaries alongside property tax increases. It would be amazing, I'd love to be part of a group that anayzed this data. I have the skills but not enough time to gather the data alone.

You should also note Oley is currently replacing computers with MACS on a 3 or 4yr lease for teachers and office staff. ~$2000 MAC to do the work that a $400 laptop from staples could do. This year teachers are carrying both MACs and PCs for the entire year so they can get use to much did that waste? 25-33% of the lease. Public Ed needs to crumble, its beyond repair.

Post an email, I'd love to get in touch with the owner of this site.

Anonymous said...

Might want to check your information. There is no approved lease. Macs do not cost 2000.

Oley Concerned Citizens said...

"Someone needs to track administrative and teacher salaries for the last ~10years vs local jobs/salaries alongside property tax increases. It would be amazing, I'd love to be part of a group that anayzed this data. I have the skills but not enough time to gather the data alone."

You can make a Right to Know request of the district for this information.