Thursday, February 24, 2011

Political Humor in Time of Turmoil

Steve Bridges is a comedian that imitates Presidents.

Steve Bridges


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

$168,117 to maintain new lab top computers for all seniors each year!

How is the district going to pay for this?

How is this going to improve student performance?

No wonder there are calls to completely scrap education and start over.

Anonymous said...

Shame on those parents who showed up in support of this latest boondoggle. With every governmental agency struggling this proposal borders on insanity. Memo to parents who want this: Pay for it yourself, don't pick my pocket for your excesses.

furiousparent said...

The district is completely out of touch with reality. This arrogance in the name of education is designed to hide failure to educate our children.

Anonymous said...

This board is only a rubber stamp for anything the administration proposes. They are derelict in their duty to the taxpayers of the district. Maybe it's time for a Tea Party takeover of the board so fiscal sanity can be established.

Anonymous said...

I understand the need for technology in education, but to spend this amount of money at this time makes no sense at all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Oley Valley girls basketball team. A great effort and good luck in their run for states. Coach Clark should be named coach of the year for what he has accomplished.

Anonymous said...

The election of Judy Schwenk yesterday was an affirmation by the voters of this district that they prefer high taxes and runaway spending. Fortunately the Republican control the state senate by 10 votes so darling Judy won't have the impact she had as county commissioner to raise taxes and spend money.

Anonymous said...

I think we need the Governor of Wisconsin to come in and clean house.

Anonymous said...

The people who voted for the goddess of higher taxes have no right to complain about high property taxes.

Anonymous said...

For years taxpayers have been begging their local school boards to reduce spending. Instead, not only have they been ignored, but in many cases ridiculed.
Now, by budget cuts put forward by Gov. Corbett they will be forced to reduce their spending. Had they listened to the taxpayers in the past they would not be in this situation. Now all they can do is whine and complain about how terrible it is they have to cut their out of control spending.
Long ago school boards forgot who they represent. Instead of representing the taxpayers who elect them they allowed their administrators and the local union to set their agenda and call the shots. Well, those days are gone, friends and it's time for the board to man (and woman)up, make the tough choices and get control of their district.
The unions, too, have to realize the gravy train has left the station and the good times for them has come to an end. We now have a governor and legistature with some backbone. Now if only our school board would grow one.

Anonymous said...

The balancing of government budgets have been on the backs of private sector employees for ever.

It is time for public employees to hold up their end.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Zackon, RIP, you will be missed. Our prayers go out to his family.

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oley Concerned Citizens said...

Finance Committee Meeting - Update:

At this point, the previously discussed millage increase from 23.82 mills to 25.72 mills has not changed.

2011-2012 Budget:


1 mill = $686,000.00

Homestead property rebate=approximately $166.00

Anonymous said...

Boyertown School District is biting the bullet to hold the line on taxes.

Why isn't Oley?

Oley Concerned Citizens said...

Proposed Final 2011-2012 Budget:

1. .4 mil increase from 23.82 to 24.22

2. Homestead Property Rebate - $159.89

There may be more money coming from the state.

Anonymous said...

It is time to put this blog out to pasture. It has become irrelevant. Seldom are there updates or new topics added, seldom are there even comments made. There hasn't been a new topic in three months and only 17 comments. If the district is running so well that no one even wanted to challenge the incumbents in yesterday's primary then shut this down and move on.

taxpayer said...

"..shut this down and move on."

Obviously, the tax and spenders in this district are annoyed that concerned citizens are still watching how the board spends money.

If there is nothing to hide, vigilance should not be a problem

Oley Concerned Citizens said...

There is a school board meeting tonight.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 7:00 p.m.
at the Middle School Cafeteria.

Its free, you can address the board or sit and listen.

At last meeting, there was only one person in the audience.

Tonight the board is planning to vote on spending $27,510,974.00 of our tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Regarding 4:04PM, May 18th., "only one person in the the audience." Where did that figure come from? I was there and so were a few (quite a few actually) other TAX PAYERS. Whose PERCEPTION of "persons" is being reflected with this statement?

Oley Concerned Citizens said...

At the budget and finance meeting of May 11, 2011 at 6:00PM, school board member John Berber referred to the one citizen who attended the meeting.

More often than not it is a rarity than more than a couple of taxpayers show up at a board meeting.

The only exception to that, is when the administration puts on a show for the board. After, the presentation, everyone except a very few stay for the rest of the meeting.

School board members, school administrators, a board secretary, a student filming the session, and the solicitor are required to attend.

This has been the case for at least the last 15 years at either committee meetings, the combined or the regular board meetings in OVSD.

Anonymous said...

11:49 PM, May 19, 2011, great post.

Anonymous said...

I guess that liberal who showed up demanding to close down the sight has been sent packing.
What gall!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm no liberal but it's obvious that this blog doesn't pack the punch it once did. There is no dialogue except inane comments about nothing. The lack of input here is just a reflection of the apathy abounding in the OV concerning the school, administration and board. I guess people would rather play bingo than worry about their taxes and how that money is spent. So is it "gall" to want people to care and get involved?

Oley Concerned Citizens said...

The blog has a fair number of hits based on site statistics. It peaks at budget time.

The current board is amenable to taxpayer input. This can be attributable to past citizen involvement and current watchdog activities.

In addition, Act1 and the economy forced the district to spend money wisely.

There are other ways to participate besides running for office.

Anonymous said...

Every time I watch the video, it makes me laugh. My friends think it is a hoot too.